How to debug Strimzi Kafka Connect Connector

How to connect JConsole, JMXTerm, and Java Flight Recorder to Strimzi Kafka Connect on Kubernetes by exposing JMX ports and configuring JVM options.
πŸ’‘ Quick Tip Post πŸ’‘
Usually, this blog contains long, deep-dive posts. This category will be different! This is a short and actionable post, which otherwise would go to /dev/null

Strimzi is awesome! In the last few years, it has made huge progress, becoming the go-to option to run the Kafka ecosystem on top of Kubernetes.

But as with every other JVM-based system, from time to time, we just need to use our old favourite tools like JConsole and Java Flight Recorder. When it comes to Kubernetes, it’s a bit more tricky.

In order to connect to a running Kafka Connect pods (running a Kafka Connect Connector or Debezium) with tools like JConsole, JMX Term, or Java FlightRecorder, we will need to expose the JMX ports locally and run a Kubernetes port-forward.

To do that, we will expose the JMX port, and override some of the parameters:

image: strimzi/kafka-connect:0.11.4-kafka-2.1.0
jmxOptions: {}
      - name: KAFKA_OPTS
      value: -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=

The important ones are jmxOptions and KAFKA_OPTS.

  1. We use jmxOptions: {} to make sure we expose the JMX port without any auth.
  2. The KAFKA_OPTS parameter allows us to add some flags to the JVM. In this case, allowing connections from “outside”, and exposing it to localhost. The base config for JMX is configured on Strimzi startup scripts, which does not allow us to configure them to allow outside connections, thus, we need to make these changes as well.

Once we have it, you can use the tools to connect to the running pods using a simple kubectl port-forward:

Start JConsole

kubectl port-forward <strimzi_pod> 9999
jconsole -J-DsocksProxyHost=localhost -J-DsocksProxyPort=9999 service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:9999/jmxrmi

Start JMXTerm

If you are not familiar with JMXterm, go over Robin Moffatt‘s great post:

java -jar jmxterm-1.0.2-uber.jar --url localhost:9999

Java Flight Recorder

JFR is a bit more tricky.

Once again, we need to edit our KafkaConnect object with:

      - name: KAFKA_OPTS
        value: " -Djava.rmi.server.hostname="

To start and stop the JFR sessions:

# start
kubectl exec -it <strimzi_pods> -- jcmd <pid> JFR.start name=myRecording filename=/tmp/recording.jfr duration=60s

# list
kubectl exec -it <strimzi_pods> -- jcmd <pid> JFR.check

# stop
kubectl exec -it <strimzi_pods> -- jcmd <pid> JFR.stop name=myRecording

Once we have the recording ready, we can use cp to retrieve it and analyse it locally:

kubectl cp <strimzi_pods>:/tmp/recording.jfr ./recording.jfr

From JMC, load the recording.jfr file and analyse the performance metrics.

Done! Happy debugging! πŸ™ƒ

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